Hello family!
I love all the pictures and letters and videos! I wish I had enough time
to send home as much good stuff. It looks like you guys are having a blast!
That group of youth is so good. Preston and Becca are so lucky! So last night I think I slept walked
for the first night. Watch the video where I look really tired. So, I am
writing in my journal on my iPad and it is working out really well and it helps
with sharing experiences with you guys. So they will be at the bottom.
This week Samantha was baptized and it was awesome! I love you guys so much. Thank you for the stuff you've sent me. I haven't gotten it yet, but I am really exited. I am running out of timmeeeeeeee
ahhhhhhhh. We actually have to stay in on Halloween because of liability
stuff. If we weren't in Wyoming, we would be going to the temple.
October 25, 2015 1:29 PM
Today Samantha was confirmed in
church! She invited Elder Thomas and I to stand in the circle while brother
Reynolds gave her a blessing. It was way cool I have never done that before.
Today one of our potential investigators that we haven't even met yet came to
church with his family. We were wanting to go see him, but when we stopped by
yesterday no one was home. His wife and the kids came into church first and I
was like, "sweet, we can set up an appointment after sacrament
meeting." Then he walked in like a minute late and sat down. I was thinking,
"no way..." Elder Thomas and I both looked at each other and I did a “Kipland
Dynamite” fist pump. "Yessss" *fist pump* I was praying that I could
stand up and introduce myself without him feeling like the missionaries were
going in for the attack. It went well and we have an appointment with him at
6:00 tonight. We will see how it goes!
9:32 PM
The appointment went awesome. He is so cool! He is really fun and was
super comfortable with us as missionaries. We just sat and talked and joked for
a while and got to know the family and they are really cool! We got to talking about when
missionaries first started meeting with them and why. She explained that she
came from an active family but that she went less active for a while. While she
was less active she met her husband and they ended up getting married. She
became active again and all their kids were baptized but he never was. She told
us that she had had visions of them in the temple together and that she knew he
would come around. We talked a little about how the gospel has blessed their
family and then we invited him to start meeting with us in preparation to be
baptized and eventually be sealed to his family. He said that he wasn't ready,
and when we asked why, he pretty much said, "my life is good" (reeal
good) and that it wasn't his time. We promised that the gospel offers more than
he knows now and we showed a video, "The Hope of God’s Light." We
were planning on showing another one but I felt impressed to show that one and
really focus on the line when he says that "spiritual light rarely comes
to those who sit in darkness waiting for someone to flip on a switch. It takes
an act of faith." We all discussed the video and then we invited him to
take that step of faith and try it. We invited him to pray and ask Heavenly
Father if his time was now. As soon as I invited him to pray and ask… *KNOCK
KNOCK KNOCK* It sounded like the cops were at the door. It was two sisters from
the ward and one of them was really loud and was "like sorry I promise I
wasn't using a golf ball to knock" then she said "Hi elders get
up!" We stood up from the couch... And she sat right down. The potential
investigator’s daughter got us chairs and I was trying to figure out what the
heck just happened. It turned out to be the Relief Society president and one of
her councilors coming by to tell Sister ____ happy birthday. The really loud one was apparently a sister
missionary at one point and it made a lot of sense looking back now. The other
sister was the Relief Society president which was very nice and sweet and pretty
embarrassed. It was really funny though; we were all laughing; it was just
super unexpected. This possible investigator, amid all the confusion and tumult
of laughter and disbelief, looked at me and said, "I will do it, I'll pray."
His daughter kind of pulled it back together because I seriously didn't know
what to do... She looked at us and said a comment about the message and we were
able to end with the spirit and a closing prayer. He said we could come over
whenever, and his wife said we could always come over if dinner fell through or
if we needed anything. We are going to meet with them next Sunday! He is going
to get baptized soon if he prays with real intent.
Sorry I’m so short on time! I love you all!
Elder Moe

P-Day in the genealogical library writing you letters. |
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Front lawn goals... |
"I am Flash Gordon"
"Slow moe fight"