"Hikeeeeee!" |
Dear family,
This week has been absolutely
amazing... So we got a call on Tuesday from this girl in Rexburg going to BYU
Idaho. She told us about her boyfriend who lives in our area and
has agreed to meet with us. She is an RM (returned missionary) and had already taught him the first
discussion. Those calls are the best!!! We talked to him and met him at temple
square the next day. The only time he has off work is at twelve and he works
downtown, so we have met with him every day except for Friday this week. Saturday we met with him twice and then
on Sunday he had the day off work so he wanted to meet four times... We have
had eight lessons with him this week and he has been so prepared! Through the
lessons he says that he is having holes that are being filled and things
answered he has been wondering and asking his whole life. He just completely dropped
his e cig and drinking and he is so happy. We had our first lesson with him
Wednesday and invited him to prepare for baptism on the 23 and he said that he
would get baptized, but the 23rd seemed really soon. We didn't have enough time
to resolve his concern, but we got a call two nights later after another lesson
and he said that he has felt the spirit in his life and he wants to be baptized
on the 23rd.
He is 20 years old and moved out
here to work for this company that does wilderness rehab (he is a big survival
guy and Eagle Scout. (EAGLE POWERS!)
He worked there for a bit, but then got laid off because the company has
going through some struggles and he was one of the "new guys." He now
works at a gun shop downtown. He needs to meet Christian! I feel like they
would bond over trying to grow beards and guns. (He is taking folic acid to try
to grow his beard out...) He is super funny and awesome! We have been going to
Temple Square a TON lately.
"Awkward missionary picture" |
We got another awesome call this
morning! I got up at 5:37 on accident when Elder Nelson went to the bathroom. I
jumped out of bed because I though I had slept in seven minutes... Not the
first time this has happened to me on my mission... Things don't make sense in
the morning... I got up and checked the phone right after it registered that I
was up an hour early and our recent convert had texted us at 12:34 AM
and said CALL ME ASAP! I went back to bed and we called her at 6:30 when we got
up. She said that she had a friend
that was atheist that told her that he wanted to believe in God and find out if
he was really there, but she said he is like the most hard hearted person she
had ever met. After she used her powers of persuasion, led by the spirit for
sure, he finally agreed to call and talk to us! We are waiting on a call from him today! That was awesome
and another example why she is a stud.

This week we had a zone meeting
and we went around and had the question asked, “what are some things that hold
back our investigators from progressing?”
We all said things like pride, fear, disobedience to Gods commandments.
He had a bunch of other things and the board was full. The words "our
investigators" was erased and it was replaced with
"missionaries." We know what is in store for our investigators. We know the joy and peace they will
feel as they live this gospel. Isn't that how our Heavenly Father feels about
us. All of those things hold us back too, and until we strip ourselves of those
things, we can't progress either.
God knows everything and he
absolutely adores you. -Elder Pingree
Elder Moe
"Painting of Elder Holland in the Conference Center. I love how he is smiling!" |
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