"I got Grandma's stuff!" |
Feb. 27, 2017
This week has been a really good one. Definitely an
improvement from last week! We were able to find that Vietnamese couple that we
told you about. They were super prepared. We taught them the Doctrine of Christ
when we first contacted them. They understood the simplicity of Christ’s gospel
and accepted a baptismal date. We were able to go back by that night with a
Vietnamese recent convert and taught the
Restoration. They recognized on their own that the path to finding out if all
of this is true was to read the Book of Mormon, pray about it, and come to
church. They offered their first prayers in our two lessons and it was amazing!
Their name is pronounced like "cow," so when we prayed
before the lesson, I prayed to bless us that we will be able to have the spirit
with us to know what to teach the "Cows"… I cracked up at the end. It was
a struggle, but I think God was probably laughing too…Hopefully.
We also have started teaching another family from Africa.
The mother has been coming to church for a pretty long while with
another African family in the ward. The kids have come on and off, but the
family has always rejected joining because they go to another church and are confused about priesthood authority and baptism. We had a great
lesson with them last night where we were able to use the Book of Mormon and
the Bible to testify of each other. They accepted the invitation to be baptized
if they receive an answer from God that the Book of Mormon is true! It was
amazing because the first lesson we had with them on Friday didn't go so well.
We started out with some good questions when they brought up the concern that
they had already been baptized. Actually, it started out something like this...
Elder Moe: Have you guys thought about being missionaries
one day?
The Daughters: Yea! Yeah! That'd be cool!
Elder Moe: Have you ever gone out and translated for the
Swahili Sister missionaries before?
Elder Jensen: turns and whispers to Elder Moe They are all
non members...
Elder Moe: Quietly replies Ohhhhh...
Brief silence
Elder Moe: Well, have you guys thought about joining the
church and getting baptized?? (:
Lesson proceeds
One of the daughters was trying to roast us because we
worship on Sunday and not Saturday, so that ending part of the lesson didn't
go that great just because we were facing a lot of stubbornness. Our next
lesson went a ton better! They are going to have us over on Friday and make foo
foo and a bunch of African food. We are going to bring a Lingala translator and
maybe the Swahili missionaries.
We had investigators at church as well and were able to see
a ton of miracles!
We met this awesome guy named M this week as well. How we
ended up meeting him is kinda a long story, but we were able to talk to him one
night when he had his brother over. Missionaries worked with him a ton in the
past. They drug him to church quite a bit because he never came. He has been in
Samoa for a few months and just got back a bit ago. We shared a message from the
Book of Mormon when Alma found Amulek and they worked together and were given
power from God. We had a fellowshipper leave us high and dry later this week
for a lesson with a family where the husband was at work so
we couldn't come in, and so we grabbed M to come with us. He said yes he
would help us out, but he wasn’t going to say anything. He ended up bearing a
powerful testimony and said that he had been praying that we would come by that
night (that we came the first time) and he is trying to get active again.
We had an awesome week. I know this is God’s work and that
D&C 33:6-10 is so true: "For lo, I am with you." He is with each of us and
will deliver us from anything we are captive by if we trust in Him and turn to Him. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and that Jesus Christ is our Savior
and Redeemer.
Elder Moe
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"This is some leftover Bengali food from the Gonsalvases we are teaching. This is how we ate it at their house. No utensils!! Mmmmmmmm" |
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"These are the missionaries from the Mexico MTC. They came in the night before, so they stayed with us. It was super fun!" |
"We took a bunch of chairs to the mission office because our apartment is already small enough without 4 chairs! I am using the ball as my chair and it works great!" |
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"This was picking up the new missionaries at the Front Runner. All the departing missionaries had already left that morning, but Elder Baldry's flight wasn't leaving until 3 so he came!" |
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"Yes"...I am a dingus |
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