Monday, August 7, 2017

"I Am Not Done"

Aug. 7, 2017

I feel so amazing! I am so blessed! This has been the best experience of my life so far. I am so so so grateful to my Heavenly Father for all the blessings these two years. 

I don't even really know what to say. Being able to be a tool in the hand of the Lord is the most amazing experience of my entire life and I am not done doing that after these two years. If you have desires to serve God you are called to the work. That is not going to be limited to my full time service. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I am exited to be a disciple of Jesus Christ at school and at home and for the rest of my life. I feel so excited to apply all the things I have been learning here on how to serve and love, follow the spirit, work hard, be diligent, obedient and bold. I am exited to share the gospel everywhere I go. I am exited to hand out copies of the Book of Mormon and do all the things I have been encouraging people to do here in Salt Lake. 

Some things I have learned:
- The minutes and seconds you have on your mission are more valuable than anything in this world. If you want to be happy, if you want to be a better person, if you are depressed, sick, or want to give up, go find someone to testify to that Jesus is the Christ and that the heavens are open and God speaks to a prophet today. This will fix the world, and this will change you. Forget yourself and go to work.

- The power of Jesus Christ in our lives is the ability to change. That can be applied to every aspect of who you are. Putting your life in his hands is submitting to his will and being willing to become anything he wants you to be. The second part, when God shows us our weaknesses, is to believe you can change through Jesus Christ, Repent, be baptized, and take the sacrament, yield to the enticing of the Holy Spirit and endure to the end.


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