Wednesday, March 15, 2017

"Simplify, Intensify and Testify"

Elder Moe got to see a friend from home!  Elder Nadal
March 15, 2017

Hey Family!

Sorry for not letting you know about the whole P Day change thing...

It was actually pretty cool having P Day changed. Monday was a great day to work and it was free of meetings and stuff so that was way nice.

The Temple was awesome. We went with the Murray zone so Elder Nadal was there. Its funny seeing him and knowing him from back home. It was also funny walking past the counter in the temple and getting ready to go down the stair case and then running into Sister Gelwix (I want to just call her Aunt Gelwix)!  It was so awesome seeing her!

OH YEAH I FORGOT TO TELL YOU LAST WEEK!!!! We were at Discovery Inn this last week in our area and I see this lady walking down the stairs and this guy running up and scaring the bejebies out of her. When she got to the bottom though, she walked up and said "Hi Elders!" and shook our hands. We were talking to someone already, but I walked away while Elder Jensen continued talking to the guy and I asked her what her name was and she said, “Nancy Moe...”  I was like, “what... Did you say Moe? My name is Moe..."  Dad, she said she knew you a little growing up and you were at her baptism or something. So she is my second cousin and her daughter is my first cousin once removed!

Charolette is getting baptized this Saturday! She is super ready and we are way exited. She had her interview on Saturday and she is good to go. Some of her family isn't coming because they are going to be at church. Its been kinda sad to see that we haven't been able to really teach some of her family because all they want to discuss is the Sabbath on the seventh day. It can be frustrating. Jacob Johnson? I bet you ran into this a lot in the Congo! What did you share with them to resolve their concern? I wish we could just bring Paul or Peter, James and John to a lesson...

We also have found this awesome new family! We met the dad one day while we were walking and he loved everything we told him. He has a super solid conviction for Jesus Christ and loved it when we shared Helaman5:12 about building our foundation on Christ. He, his wife, and one of his kids are preparing to get baptized later this next month!! I am so super exited for them. Our lessons have gone so great and have been really short which is something I am really trying to work on. That is something I have been noticing as I have read through the New Testament. Except for the few times, like the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught amazing powerful lessons in a few short paragraphs or in a simple parable.

MLC with Elder Zwick of the Seventy
Elder Zwick of the Quorum of the 70 came to a mission meeting and talked about three important things to remember in all things. Simplify, Intensify and Testify. He talked about lessons he had learned from members of the 12 in that regard. He also told us about some sweet stories from his mission. He and his companion in Argentina went up to the North of the mission, bought 2 polo horses, loaded them on a train car, and got in the car and rode with the horses. When they got off, they swam across the river and were the first missionaries in Bolivia. He was told by President Scott (Richard G. Scott) to build a chapel and focus on these three cities. They baptized those three cities of people in Bolivia. He also said that in the houses in Argentina, the members had pictures of Elder Christofferson when he had served there years before.

He said that President Scott would always tell them to give all the credit to someone else. Always give all the glory to God.

He also taught us some things about setting goals with our wards and stakes and told us when we report, we give all the credit to the ward council because it really is all about the faith and the work of the members.

We just finished up zone conferences and it was all focused on the Savior. I love my Savior. He is so sweet and so full of love. I want to be his disciple and I will give everything, all that I have and all that I am to know him. There is no other way.


Elder Moe
Elder Moe's companion, Elder Jensen
Elders Douglass, Owen, Jensen, Nadal, Flaminano and Moe
These awesome missionary parents brought Elder Moe cinnamon knots on his birthday!  What's fun is that this Brother's daughter is serving in Elder Moe's home stake and so Elder Moe's dad took cinnamon rolls to her!

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